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Software Developer

If you don't know anything about us go here. TLDR: Everyone should have lots of small models. We are building software to make that easy.

The role

As one of the founding team members you will be responsible for building Glaive from the ground up. This means you not will not only have to implement, but also design and architect the systems that will accomplish the vision. With this level of responsibility comes an equal level of freedom to execute this however you see fit.

Ask yourself:

  • Can I deal with a high level of uncertainty?
  • If nobody tells me what to do, can I still get things done?
  • Do I want to be part of a founding team?


Depending on your skillset and interests you will take on an area of the stack/product and own it. This could be anything from the frontend, backend, ML infra, DevOps, or something else entirely. You will be responsible for:

  • Designing and implementing the systems that will make Glaive a reality.
  • Collaborating with the rest of the team to ensure that your work is utilized effectively.
  • Being a part of the decision making process for the company as a whole.
  • Bettering yourself by learning new things and better others by teaching them.


With all that responsibility comes a lot of freedom. You will have the freedom to:

  • Work however you see fit.
  • Choose the tools and technologies you want to use.
  • Work on whatever you want to work on.


The three most important requirements are:

  • You genuinely believe in the vision of Glaive.
  • You are able to collaborate effectively with the rest of the team.
  • You have opinions.

As for technical requirements, we do not require any formal education or experience. We are looking for people who can get things done. If you can show us that you can do that, then you are qualified.

How do I apply and what is the process?

  1. Send us an email at [email protected] with the subject line "Software Developer Application".
    • The email should include the following:
      • Your name.
      • Why you are interested in Glaive.
      • What you think you can bring to the team. Do not sell yourself short here.
      • Something you love or something you hate (literally anything goes here).
      • A design for a system of your choosing (this can be anything, but it should be something you are passionate about).
  2. We will reach out to you to schedule a call. Where we will just talk about you and Glaive.
  3. If we both think it is a good fit, we will give you a small design project to complete.
  4. The team will review the project with you and discuss it.
  5. If all goes well, you will be offered a two week fully paid trial period.
  6. If that works out, an offer will be made.

Am I technical enough?

Probably. If you are unsure, just apply. We are looking for people who can get things done, not people who know everything.

What do you mean by a design for a system ?

We mean write a short document outling how you would design a system of your choosing. This can be anything for example:

  • A mass transit system for a city.
  • A system for hiring people.
  • A system to butter toast.
  • A deployment system for a web app.

The point is to show us how you think about systems and how you would go about designing them.